Mothership Project Alpha Repository View Mod
This is the development repository of the Mothership mod for Transcendence. Current alpha versions are available for download here.

Inspired by Homeworld, it lets one construct, command and upgrade a full fleet of ships by using the resource gathering, reverse engineering and shipbuilding capacities of the Mothership.

This mod requires Player Ship Drones V6.
1. Download and extract to Extensions/
2. Select the Mothership Project Alpha extension
3. Now select the Mothership at the ship select screen.

Features Implemented:
Salvaging of wrecked ships
Resource to ship conversion system (fleet building!)
Redocking of fleet ships, full hanger system
Blueprints for buildable ships
Reverse engineering of hulls and items
Realtime fleet command menu

Please post feedback here or on our forum thread.
Categories Ship (Player), Misc, Development,
A.I./Behavior, Wingman
Author 2nd MS Team
Rating 4   1
Added (Last modified) 21.03.2015 (24.05.2015)
Game Version 1.3
Filesize 1.04 MB
Downloads 2102
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2nd MS Team 25.03.2015 07:16

Reuploaded at 22 downloads

-Salvage shuttles now properly loot wrecks

Novak 67 25.03.2015 08:15

Well, nice mod but I think that the ship is just too small to be a mothership, I actually expect like a massive ship like the size of the Xenophobe ark.

StealthX051 25.03.2015 23:19

We aimed to make the mothership as accurate as possible. Since the bannanna mothership is pretty vertical, the model reflects that. We plan to change this model soon(tm)

StealthX051 25.03.2015 23:21

Please post your feedback here or on our forum thread.

2nd MS Team 01.04.2015 09:43

Reuploaded at 40 downloads

-Partially implemented boarding mechanic

-Added View By Category to Item Production and Recycling

2nd MS Team 16.04.2015 10:59

Reuploaded at 81 downloads

-Added minimum RUs for recycling

-Added "Examine loadout" to Hanger Bay

-Fixed armor installation/manufacturing/autogate bug

2nd MS Team 16.04.2015 11:28

Reuploaded at 84 downloads

-Changed salvage ship to custom LightIAV

-Changed starting weapon to PK35

-Changed starting shield to Class III

-Changed reactor to be compatible with all fuels, and have much larger fuel capacity

2nd MS Team 16.04.2015 18:56

Reuploaded at 86 Downloads (sorry, FourFire)

- Deleted line 892

2nd MS Team 25.04.2015 06:08

Update at 4.24.15


-installed targeting rom

-spaced out docking ports for the mothership slightly

-sorted dockscreens

-made the mothership slower so that scuttlers can dock easily

-gave the mothership the hyperspace drive. At the price of 2RUs per 1 light second, you too can warp through space!

-gave mothership 2000 RU to start so you can build ships

2nd MS Team 24.05.2015 23:39

Reuploaded at 149 downloads

2nd MS Team 31.07.2015 07:31

Reuploaded at 214 downloads

-Added Ship Database and Item Database to Ship Status

-Implemented new Item Recycling formula

Dragonz 28.09.2016 05:36

Will this mod be worked on at all? Its got a good start, and from reading the forum on this, there are still items that need to be installed. Not to mention getting it updated to 1.7

mchowl 15.06.2017 23:13

Hello-I was trying to DL this mod and have found that Transcendence 1.7 tells me "Playership Drones: Human Space [PSD_HumanSPace.xml: Line(727): unable to find library d91201a0] I thought perhaps I DL the wrong Player Ship Drones version; I found but that was the only one I can find. Where is Player Ship Drones V6?

PM 07.07.2017 18:47

I removed Playership Drones v6 when I uploaded v7. I gave advanced warning to those in charge of this project. Seeing that you are probably new, it is unfortunate that you missed it.

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