Wyvera - a living ship (v0.92) View Mod
Screenshot ===This is an old mod which has been abandoned in favor of developing a new version from scratch, making use of newer script functionality in Transcendence===

~~~This mod is TMU enhanced~~~
This is a playership (with nearly 2k lines of code, all for a single playership), but not like any average playership.
The Wyvera takes balancing and gameplay, and general creativity with playership scripts to a whole new level.
See http://neurohack.com/transcendence/forums/viewtopic.php?t=2764 for more details.
Release Notes:
~~~See posts for release notes~~~
Categories Ship (Player), Mod Packs, Graphics,
Author Azar Wolf
Rating 3   0
Added (Last modified) 01.02.2010 (11.07.2010)
Game Version 1.01
Filesize 3.41 MB
Downloads 4238
Download Download
Azar Wolf 02.02.2010 06:50

:D Version .9 will be coming soon ~~~ You may need to start a new game however.

Also, in version .9, spawning non-player copies of the ship WILL cause script problems. By 1.0, there will be a non-player version too.

Azar Wolf 04.02.2010 01:13

Updated at 36 downloads to version .8a

--- You will need to start a new game for continued compatibility: many new script things have been implemented.

Azar Wolf 04.02.2010 05:10

Updated at 36 downloads to version .8b

--- This one is compatible with .8a games [not that anyone downloaded .8a anyways...]

Darth Saber 04.02.2010 20:16

Which version is .8b? I use Transcendence .98b quite a bit...

Azar Wolf 05.02.2010 00:37

I was referring to the mod's version, not the transcendence version. (This uses Transcendence Version RC6, and may have limited RC5 compatibility. It is incompatible with RC4 and prior)

Azar Wolf 05.02.2010 01:35

----eventual expansions----

-More ships

-NPC ships

-NPC compatible ship versions (different script than playership's)

-More items

-Adventure Extension

Azar Wolf 05.02.2010 22:24

Updated at 58 downloads to .8c

(still compatible with saves made with version .8b of the mod)

Azar Wolf 08.02.2010 04:14

version .9 is currently in the works

Azar Wolf 08.02.2010 06:52

Updated to version 0.9 at 84 downloads

Release Notes:

v0.8 - ship is playable, but the DSF interface and its scripts are not yet functioning. Uploaded to Development for this reason.

v0.8a - scripts all functioning as intended, not everything implemented yet however. Updated for TMU .94/.93b compatibility

v0.8b - balance adjusted for drive and regen; typo corrected in ion cannon poweruse, typo corrected in acid spray damage

v0.8c - more balance fixes, added weapon to not-yet-implemented child ship

v0.9 - sampling on new ship (not fully done, 8-armor graphic not done, 8 armor segs not implemented, some balancing pending tests)

Azar Wolf 08.02.2010 06:53

To stay updated with the latest releases, I recommend you use the 'Latest Mods (updated)' sidebar; enable it under: preferences -> sidebars

Little Modder... 08.02.2010 12:37

What means TMU?

Azar Wolf 09.02.2010 04:23

TMU is the transcendence mod and utilities manager that I'm currently programming.

You can find a thread on it on OTF, or a forum with downloads on EM (my forums)

Azar Wolf 24.02.2010 16:27

v0.9a will come with the smaller ships implemented and the new credits system implemented as well.

Azar Wolf 24.02.2010 17:07

Ok, the credits will be in .9a, the other stuff in .9b+

Azar Wolf 24.02.2010 17:09

.9a requires version 1.0RC8 of Transcendence!

Jeoshua 03.03.2010 19:01

It's these kind of mods that make me love Transcendence! So you're telling me that a player ship can change graphics and statistics over time? Very good stuff. I shall play with her a bit.

Jeoshua 03.03.2010 20:16

... Unfortunately I installed it and I don't get an option to use it at the starting screen.

Azar Wolf 04.03.2010 01:05

It can change statistics over time. Once I can manually position overlays, graphics changing will be implemented as well.


Where did you install it? Did any of the files or folders start with a "_"? If so, remove the "_". Is it inside of your "extensions" directory?

Jeoshua 04.03.2010 03:27

Installed to Extensions\Wyvera\*.*

Log shows that the file is, indeed, loaded. I just see no ship! It's not a collision with another mod — I _'d all the rest out and tried again — nothing.

Azar Wolf 05.03.2010 00:53

The error you're getting is &#8212?

Azar Wolf 05.03.2010 00:58

Wow! Ok, something is indeed wrong. For some reason, in RC8, it's not loading the mod properly... I believe this is a bug with transcendence, not with the mod itself.

I'm going to go and check on this right now [You will probably not hear back from me from friday through sunday, as I will be gone over that duration]

Jeoshua 05.03.2010 01:11

That was supposed to be an em-dash... HTML entity code... damn my typographicness

Azar Wolf 05.03.2010 01:21

Found the problem! Will be re-uploading it momentarily!

Azar Wolf 05.03.2010 01:25

Ok - re-uploaded at 132 downloads!

Jeoshua 05.03.2010 18:32

After looking at the fix, I'm suprised it worked at all with other versions. Finding little errors like that can be such a pain.

Jeoshua 05.03.2010 21:22

One more bug. The Wyvera's computer core is accessable no matter what ship you're piloting.

Azar Wolf 07.03.2010 23:42

... whoops. Ok, I can fix that in the next release

Shrike 06.04.2010 04:04

How's it going currently, Wolfy?

Azar Wolf 29.05.2010 23:10

Updated the mod to version .92

Azar Wolf 29.05.2010 23:12

.92 adjusts some balance-related items

Kurandra 01.07.2010 04:08

Good Job! Fantastic idea and the ship turns smoothly. I hate it when im in a giant ship and i cant hit my targets because the are in an area where i cant aim because of the turning.

Azar Wolf 11.07.2010 21:51

:D With the wonderful new ability to change ships being introduce in 1.02, I may get to implement actual growth, allowing the ship itself to get bigger and more powerful.

Kuroji 31.01.2011 14:51

This is pretty interesting, I like it. Looking forward to the next release.

Azar Wolf 14.03.2011 20:31

New release planned soon! Stay tuned here: http://www.neurohack.com/transcendence/forums/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=2764

Azar Wolf 16.03.2011 16:39

Updated the tags on here, because it originally wasn't listed under playerships >.<

tae8 27.02.2012 21:02

I can't figure out how to feed my ship

Azar Wolf 21.03.2012 21:03

This is an obsolete mod, currently in the process of being re-written, designed for a much older version of transcendence & DSF. New versions of transcendence & DSF may have broken compatibility since then.

sUnit 12.06.2012 20:57

How to use it? Is there some menu or key to activate "Wyvera's computer core" or what? I try 1.01 and 1.08b but can not find anything except it weapon, healer armor and drive.

Dragonz 29.09.2014 05:14

Does anyone know when this mod is going to be upgraded for 1.3? This is one of my favorite ships and it is such a pity it is not compatible as of yet...

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