New stuff v2.0 (*135* new things) View Mod
Screenshot New features every week...(if I have enough imagination)

New stuff:
Launcher: 1
##Mines: 2
##Missiles: 5

Autons: 9
##Autons Shields: 4
##Autons Weapons: 6

##Blast Weapons: 10
##Particle Weapons: 2
##Kinetic Weapons: 12
##Laser Weapons: 9
##Special-Fragmentation Weapons: 4

Devices: 42
#New station that sells devices & engines;

##Generic Shields: 8
##Shields: 6
##Dual Shields: 12
##Triple Shields: 6
## ++ Implemented shields from New Class WTH Deflector ++

Reactors: 14

**Please, notify me if you find any bug*>PM me or just leave a comment.
**Ideas for a better name for the mod 're welcome.*>PM me or just leave a comment.

##$$## Re-Upload Log ##$$##
##1 download...(Sorry)
##38 downloads, 01/07/2012 - dd/mm/yy
##59 downloads, Balanced by Matix (Thanks!!)
##89 downloads, 01/07/2012 - dd/mm/yy
Categories Usable, Station, Ship (Friendly),
Reactor, Shield, Newbie Boosts,
Graphics, Fuel, Drive,
Devices, Weapon, Development,
Author christian
Rating 6   1
Added (Last modified) 25.06.2012 (29.07.2012)
Game Version 1.08d
Filesize 614.75 KB
Downloads 3062
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Shane Filomena 26.06.2012 10:44

LOL :) awesome

christian 26.06.2012 15:04

Woul, +2 in one day...

and, thanks for the feed-back Shane!

Llwch 27.06.2012 02:32

I'm *SO* trying this tonight... Since I can't play WoW on my break at work, I *can* play Transcendence... :D

Alkamer 27.06.2012 13:05

All weapons need to be re-checked for apropriate energy consumption. Enhancers are just fine. I loved the idea of dual devices. Finally the burst laser missile and mises were pretty innovative. Try t find better names for your shieds , not only your mod. By the way the mod's name is just fine.

christian 27.06.2012 14:45

These shields are generic, this is why they have those wierd names...(...Xing-ling

...I'm working on some "new stuff"(this term 'll become a cliche...) week I'll (try to) make a more balanced version...with "new stuff"...

Alkamer 17.07.2012 19:52

Am I seeing things or the "Hellfire particle cannon" targets itself? I was using Agauptera as playership and no other weapon did the same. Whenever my ship's face points an enemy, it starts firing without touching any button! Is it a bug or something else?

christian 18.07.2012 14:46

This is really weird...

...this didn't happened with me, which version are you playing with?

I don't even put any freaking code in those weapons...This should not be happening...

Alkamer 18.07.2012 15:46

I am playing v 1.08b with some other mods. I don't understand what caused it but sometimes it makes the game easier.

christian 18.07.2012 15:53

Yeah, do me a favor, go to ...Stuff/resources/modules/ and open "Particle.xml" check if there is something diferent\strange on the some OnFireEvent, OnTarget, or something between "<>"...or a AutoTarget atribute...

Alkamer 18.07.2012 16:06

Here is your favor. There is nothing as you described and problem seems to be solved itself. Don't know how, again. Anyway it might still make a good concept. Self firing weapons. Just an idea though.

christian 18.07.2012 16:17

yeah, I was thinking about this sometime ago, using the concept of missile defense devices, but...well, the linked fire weapons killed this idea...I can still try to do a Device, that target, and shot against enemy ships...

Llwch 20.07.2012 05:38

Self-firing sounds like a BAD idea... if you accidentally target a friendly with a powerful enough weapon, you could screw up your ENTIRE game. :S

christian 22.07.2012 01:43

I was thinking on something that open a menu such as the ones you use to active a power, you target, Use the device, and it will fire on target...

Llwch 25.07.2012 07:59

... now that makes sense... it fires on target until destroyed/inactive... If that can be done.

christian 25.07.2012 14:50

would be one more weapon, but, on a device slot...

mistere 29.07.2012 21:47

Better, but more difficult- would be if it used something similar to the ALRS mod and the weapon just checked for targets you 'paint' and fires at those targets.

christian 30.07.2012 14:43

What about..."Long range ballistic cannon"

Blast and thermo versions...The name says will have a minimum range, and maximum range...

mistere 30.07.2012 21:53

Sounds like a variant of weapons that are already in the game. There's plenty of kinetic and thermo/blast cannons, but not so many long range weapons.

christian 30.07.2012 23:13

"new stuff"...

...its to increase the number of options in game...because in game you have corporate, NAMI, Taiko...So, I'm just adding candles to the cake...

Those Hellfire series, is kind of "new", they aren't much good agaisn't small-alone enemys, but are effective agaisn't fleets...

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