One Day Mod Series: Neuros Media Player V2 View Mod
Hi, I was able to make a music player! :D
George said that Transcendence doesn't play all files, so if it doesn't show up in the selection screen that that's probably the case.

To use this mod you need to find your "My Music" folder and stick everything in there. I know for sure that .wav works, so try it with that first.

Here's George post on it:

If you want to change your music folder put this in Settings.xml:
<Option name="musicPath" value="c:folderexampledirectory"/>

NOTE: You have to scan for music files using the media player ingame. If you don't update/change your music folder you don't have to keep scanning but if you want to update what the media player can access it is recommended to scan again.

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Categories Usable, UI Enhancements, Misc,
DockScreens, Devices, Development,
Developers Vault
Author RPC
Rating 7   0
Added (Last modified) 27.05.2012 (09.12.2013)
Game Version 1.2
Filesize 12.48 KB
Downloads 2045
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ronelm2000 28.05.2012 12:44

This made my day, adding UN Owen was Her? during the battle with the final boss and all.... XD

RPC 29.05.2012 04:37

:D Thanks for the comment!

(Also, thank SolarDragon on IRC for suggesting it :D )

RPC 29.05.2012 04:58

O.O checked the song, didn't know it was Touhou...

Hey, if there's enough push I could make the quantumsphere into a touhou weapon >.> (albeit seeking <.< )

ronelm2000 30.05.2012 15:21

Could be the next of your One Day Mod series ^.^

RPC 31.05.2012 05:40

yeah :3

RPC 10.06.2012 05:24

Updated Media Player (29 dl's) to play specified lists and battle music when the player is fighting.

Remember to turn on the looping and battle music in the "autoplay options" screen, and have fun! ;)

Cirevam 10.06.2012 14:57

It doesn't seem that battle music stops when every enemy nearby is dead, but this is a very good mod despite that.

WillyTheSquid 14.06.2012 11:04

Good, this means I can started on the Official Unofficial soundtrack

RPC 18.06.2012 00:53

Cirevam: Actually, there isn't really a good check to see when enemy ships are dead (because sometimes they run away and come back). I didn't want to spam the player with changing soundtracks every ~45 seconds. I'll make it an option the next time I update it though ;)

RPC 01.10.2012 00:16

Reuploaded at 92 downloads. Works across systems now, the update to V2 that allows you to export music lists to be saved across games is currently halted due to working on Star Network.

RPC 29.10.2012 04:49

Updated at 119 downloads since the old version wasn't working for 1.08l.

RPC 31.10.2012 04:24

Updated at 121 downloads, uploaded the wrong file apparently. Sorry for the 2 downloaders (the other one was me >.> ) who got the bad version.

RPC 09.12.2013 21:54

Updated at 283 downloads to V2.

New features:

-settings are saved across games

-lists are saved across games

-optimized dockscreens

-dockscreen looks better

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