poc hijack View Mod
poc hijacking wrecked ships like centauri ,and phobi, and "Zombie" ships one hit on Armour you are now a zombie please do not remove also wings 3d files for ships quils3 is going to use

not a mod just ship designs
Categories Development
Author quils3
Rating 0   0
Added (Last modified) 01.05.2011 (01.05.2011)
Game Version 1.05
Filesize 405.75 KB
Downloads 1497
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Shane Filomena 01.05.2011 11:59

Awesome concept design:the two are a little Manticore-ish:Makayev might notice that;However, with a few touches I am sure they would never what layers are under the paint.

The Third : Gurren : FANTASTIC : station or ship it fits both! I immediately thought of the new systems being thought up with a need for stations; maybe check the forum. Thankyou for sharing your talent!

Shane Filomena 01.05.2011 12:00

btw": only the wings files were in the download I got, I don't know anything of the rest described for the file

digdug 02.05.2011 15:21

this is not a mod, just wings3D meshes.

please put a better comment with proper details.

However, since it's not a mod, nor graphics that can be readily used in the game, I think it can be flagged for a delete.

quils3, if you want to discuss/share your models, maybe it's a better idea to use the forums and a service like dropbox (see Links) or come to IRC (again see Links)

RPC 03.05.2011 08:42

I'll try to use quils3's graphics (with credits) for a mod, give me around a month or two (RL is taking the front seat) and you'll see something.

PKodon 21.05.2011 20:11

Well, if they're models, perhaps we should have a models directory on Xelerus.

I'd hate for good work to disappear.

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