Mining MAG View Mod
This is for testing atm only.

Overwrites the standard MAG launcher, and adds a new ammo type that can mine (and not much else). Also, the level and price of the MAG launcher has been lowered to almost match the NAMI.

Also overwrites the mining station and adds the option to install the MAG launcher there, and shop mining MAG's.
Categories Development, Devices, Mining,
Station, Weapon
Author alterecco
Rating 1   0
Added (Last modified) 03.10.2010 (03.10.2010)
Game Version 1.03
Filesize 8.42 KB
Downloads 1789
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alterecco 03.10.2010 23:35

Reuploaded at 4 downloads... Upped the missileSpeed and decreased the lifetime slightly

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