RC scout auton V1.6 View Mod
Map the system from the safety of your ship with your Remote control auton!

The One Piece Armor display was made by soggydoggy

Updated 16 downloads
now if old ship is attacked you will automatically be changed back to it.

Updated to V1.5 at 338 downloads,
complete rewrite, new auton damage code, less bugs :D

see forum post here http://www.neurohack.com/transcendence/forums/viewtopic.php?p=28362#p28362
Categories Misc, Auton
Author sdw195
Rating 9   1
Added (Last modified) 19.08.2010 (26.05.2012)
Game Version 1.08b
Filesize 77.46 KB
Downloads 2290
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Darth Saber 19.08.2010 22:13

This is great; I was getting a bit tired of limited short range scanning common to stock ships.The RC unit will be a great help. Excellent work sdw195!

sdw195 21.08.2010 00:03


godmod 28.02.2011 19:45

can you fix this? OnDestroy [R\C scout Auton]: Unknown function: plyChangeShip ### (block Nil (plyChangeShip gPlayer (objGetObjByID oldShip))) ###

sdw195 01.03.2011 00:26

um you need 1.02 for this mod to work.

you are playing with 1.01 or earlier

sdw195 20.03.2011 01:55

currently being updated :D

(this is a note to motivate myself to do it)

sdw195 25.04.2011 01:37

yeah, my note isn't really working :|

sdw195 25.04.2011 02:09

oh and i found another bug :( that stops me

sdw195 06.12.2011 00:38

updated to V1.5 at 338 downloads, hope you enjoy it

WillyTheSquid 26.05.2012 09:35

Whay has been changed in the newest version???

sdw195 26.05.2012 09:55

updated at 425 dl's, removed a not working rom, and disables docking

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