Centauri Bountys View Mod
Adds bountys for Centauri ships/stations
Bountys are as follows;
Light Raider 10
Raider 15
Heavy Raider 60
Monitor 120
Bountys are claimable at any commenwelth station (thanks to Ptbptb for the idea)
overwrite the TX2_Centauri.xml (or put a _ in front of it)

Compatable with TX2_Centauri_ShieldBalance.xml
Relesed with permission as a modmod from wlofy(azar_wolf)
requeries updated graphic resources from wlofys TX2 Centauri Module
( http://xelerus.de/index.php?s=mod&id=739 )

Updated to work with 1.6a
Categories Ship (Enemy), Mod Packs
Author sdw195
Rating 3   1
Added (Last modified) 15.07.2010 (09.07.2011)
Game Version 1.06a
Filesize 11.43 KB
Downloads 1894
Download Download
Azar Wolf 16.07.2010 00:03


I see I got my first modmod!

Good luck!

digdug 16.07.2010 01:24

sounds like a good idea :D

Darth Saber 21.07.2010 19:17

The xml calls for: "resources\images\centaurimonitor.jpg" There are no image folders associated with this download. Where can I go to obtain the necessary files?

digdug 21.07.2010 19:41

darth saber, you need the latest version of this mod http://xelerus.de/index.php?s=mod&id=739

Darth Saber 26.07.2010 18:06

Thank you digdug; I have just downloaded the module.

Avalon4 08.09.2010 21:00

Not very happy right now...

Loading this module caused a very big problem when encountering certain centauri groups - the ships were invisible and their mere presence on screen dropped the frame rate to 0, AND caused a very heavy and very AUDIBLE strain on my computer. Anyone who hears that kind of sound from their machine ends up very unhappy, very fast.

I now have it working correctly (having installed the mod which this is dependant upon) but you should either make the dependancy VERY clear or otherwise include the required files.

sdw195 09.09.2010 01:31

Is "requeries updated graphic resources from wlofys TX2 Centauri Module

( http://xelerus.de/index.php?s=mod&id=739 )"

not clear enough

sdw195 09.09.2010 01:37

(sorry if i sound slightly mad my notebook died a few days ago with all my modding stuff on it :( )

sdw195 09.07.2011 05:11

Updated at 359 downloads to work with 1.06a (as per Hatsya's request :P )

Phillip 25.08.2013 15:09

The same ship are in Weapons Extended 5.

digdug 25.08.2013 22:20

they are indeed because I asked permission to Wolfy and he kindly agreed that I could use them in WE5

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