random iocrym View Mod
Heretic is always the same ? wanna a new challenge ? Bored to use the same tactic over and over ?
Random iocrym command ships !
16 slightly different command ships, one moves faster, one has new level12 weapons, one shoots faster, and so on...

when you enter Heretic the first time a random Iocrym ship is picked up.
Categories Ship (Enemy)
Author digdug
Rating 1   0
Added (Last modified) 18.01.2008 (24.01.2008)
Game Version 0.98d
Filesize 4.3 KB
Downloads 1836
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schilcote 02.04.2008 03:14

Just one bug, when you get killed by it, it says "Schilcote was killed by a Iocrym Comand Ship2" which is a very minor bug, and might be considered a feature.

nrt677 15.05.2009 17:27

What's so special,digdug?

digdug 15.05.2009 20:19

It was the first mod that randomly chooses a slightly different Iocrym ship, however it's quite outdated now.

There are also a bunch of level 12 weapons that can disorient players.

Shane Filomena 12.04.2012 05:35

i voted so you would notice I gots the goodies :) LOl thanx :)

digdug 12.04.2012 13:42

thanks Shane. :)

Basically this is a non-working mod, since Heretic got updated. However I could recycle the weapons.

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