Damage Absorbing Shields View Mod
These five shield generators are capable of using energy from weapon hits to actually strengthen the shield. Just hope you have the right shield for your enemies damage type...

I tried to balance these shields against the vanilla shields. Each one is the weakest shield of its level, but also shows up about the same time as the damage type it absorbs.
Categories Shield
Author schilcote
Rating 0   0
Added (Last modified) 06.12.2009 (06.12.2009)
Game Version 0.99c
Filesize 924 B
Downloads 1706
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Darth Saber 07.12.2009 17:24

Wonderful, Schilcote. These are just what we need to survive our journey to the core...

digdug 07.12.2009 17:29

heh, negative damageadj ! nice trick :D

Aeonic 07.12.2009 19:38

Um, how exactly can something absorb and recharge shields from a projectile headed your way at near light speed? I can see this with energy-based weapons, but not physical projectiles.

Aeonic 07.12.2009 19:44

Also the blast absorption one seems to be the best because it absorbs blast AND thermo. Also, is that 1969 reference supposed to be some kind of Easter egg? :P

schilcote 30.12.2009 19:24

Aeonic: I think it would get energy from kinetic weapons by using a magnetic field, when the projectile passes through the field it disturbs it and generates energy. Or something.

Yes, that is supposed to be an easter egg.

schilcote 04.02.2010 20:00

I find the Blast shield to be the weakest, since almost all blast weapons also do serious kinetic damage... Maybe I'll update it.

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