Total V.U.I. View Mod
Screenshot Virtual user Interface (V.U.I.) version 0.9
Updated February 8th, 2010.
See the post here for changes and comments->

The V.U.I. is a simulated neural core for your player ship. It comes preinstalled on every ship (even modded ones) and allows you to install and run software programs.
This new version adds some new graphics, a lot more software created by alterecco and myself.
There's just too much to say here so check the VUIreadme.txt for a brief FAQ and install instructions, and post any questions/comments here or on the forum.

Periculi has given me permission to redistribute his Star Log mod, now included in the V.U.I.

Definitely redownload this mod and ceck it out!

Dockscreen Framework:

Hash Functions:
Categories Quality approved, Obsolete, Misc,
UI Enhancements
Author Prophet
Rating 3   0
Added (Last modified) 16.11.2009 (08.02.2010)
Game Version 1.0 RC6
Filesize 1.55 MB
Downloads 4245
Download Download
digdug 16.11.2009 14:50

I love it ! :D

Den 27.11.2009 02:22

Worked for me to and it was awesome

Atarlost 03.02.2010 06:41

The WE catalogues are broken. You have malformed XML and at least one missing entity.

Prophet 08.02.2010 15:56

thx, fixed

mr.spooky 22.02.2010 23:23

I can't see the names and functions of any of the new devices and when i try to use any kind of communications array or CPU i get VERY long error code :( (i would love to give it to you but it crosses the boarders of the screen) have u got any idea owhat is causing this or how to fix it?


Bobby 22.02.2010 23:27

Check your debug.log (in the same folder as transcendence.exe), the whole message should be in there.

It works ok for me, do you have dockscreen framework and hash functions?

mr.spooky 23.02.2010 00:08

I redwnloaded both DS and HF it works perfectly now =D guess that there were soe kind of error in the extractions of te first 2 folders xD

Thanks =D

StealthX 23.03.2010 04:34

Hi Prophet, this mod is very cool! But I wish you would make the ROMs be devices without slot, I kept accidentally jettitioning them.

Jeoshua 23.03.2010 14:46

That's a good idea. After the software is installed, it should be all said and done. The disc it comes on should be disposable at that point, and the software just there in the computer's storage.

Also, a point my friend brought up, is that it would be nice when installing an identification library if it were "used automatically", identifying all of that certain type of item, without one having to "adjust parameters"

Malix 26.04.2010 16:18

I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong, I can't get the ore scanner to work. I have version 1.01

digdug 08.05.2010 02:06

prophet, I tried too, and it seems that it doesn't work with 1.01.

Also the remhack rom (cargo jettison) gives long errors on screen, that does not get written in the debug.log

Dogma 18.07.2010 16:49

Ore Scanner didnt work with me either, btw Will this mod work with the G.O.D. Mod?

Dogma 03.01.2011 23:08

Update for 1.04?

YingJanshi 18.06.2011 18:32

Any chance this could be updated to 1.05?

Llwch 22.03.2012 06:53

Great concept, but it needs an update to v1.08a... :)

Patupi 13.05.2012 17:17

I'm getting an error message 'image not found:d5126691'. I've Dled both dependant mods, I tried various ways, but somehow this also is security blocked (for me with lousy Vista security permissions :( ) and I have difficulty even deleting the mod!

I've tried re-DLing just incase it was a faulty DL, but that didn't work. Perhaps when I (Eventually) managed to delete the old one, file by file, and overwrote it something stayed? Weird

Patupi 13.05.2012 17:19

Um, just read the last two posts. Is this just due to Transcendance version? *Sigh* Guess I'll try and delete this again. Shame, sounded interesting

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