Multi-Phasic Shield Emitter View Mod
The MPSE is a modular shield, capable of adapting to absorb different types of weapon energy.
The stats are:
200HP, 180MW, LVL9 and costs ~125k.
It can change to absorb: Laser, Particle, Blast, Ion, Positron, Thermo, and Plasma; but not more than one at a time. Maximum shield is reduced to 150 when using a different mode.

You'll need to recharge your shields after changing modes, so plan ahead.

You'll get an error message the first time you use it (Even when re-installed), I'm trying to figure out what's causing it. There isn't any other effect game-wise.

Side note: It could be a bit overpowered, you're practically invulnerable if you're facing a ship with only one type of weapon.
Categories Shield
Author Blaze
Rating 0   0
Added (Last modified) 16.05.2009 (18.05.2009)
Game Version 0.99c
Filesize 1.32 KB
Downloads 1703
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digdug 18.05.2009 02:04

level 9 shields have already bonuses, take a look at

In any case, superb mod Blaze !

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