A Greater Adventure View Mod
This is an adventure extension for Transcendence, with a novalty Backstory and a Snazzy cover!
Basically doubles the amount of systems you must pass through!

Thanks to Kaama for the orginal XML, for which I based most of my editing on.

Any Feedback would be appreciated.
Categories Adventure Extensions
Author soggydoggy
Rating 5   1
Added (Last modified) 29.03.2009 (17.05.2009)
Game Version 0.99c
Filesize 300.06 KB
Downloads 4166
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Darth Saber 13.09.2010 19:47

Love the cover; the new systems are great!

davidbfgday 20.02.2011 02:34

epic =3 1!1!1!

davidbfgday 14.03.2013 05:52

hmm now its 2013 and ive matured since 2011 and i play with the all stock ships playable mod its not that good for that

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