Eye of the Storm View Mod
The Eye of the Storm is the ultimate protector. It surrounds your ship and the transports you are escorting, in cyan waves not unlike those used by my wave cannon. These waves cover a wide area, blocking incomming fire, while allowing your weapons fire to pass through unimpeded. Thank you appleseed, for your suggestions.
Categories Shield
Author Darth Saber
Rating 0   0
Added (Last modified) 18.03.2009 (18.03.2009)
Game Version 0.99c
Filesize 12.37 KB
Downloads 1900
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digdug 18.03.2009 15:33

err, it's a weapon, used and installed as a weapon.

Darth Saber 19.03.2009 16:02

Really, try using it, my friend, and you will see that it functions as a shield. It shield you and your companions from incomming fire, and allows you to fire back. Just as advertised. Now if you can tell me how to do this as a viable shield - installed as a shield - then pray do so. AS it stands, the Eye of the Storm is a shield which is installed in the missile bay.

Iocrymdestroyer 20.03.2009 21:02

Is there any way, if it could be a shield, that it could last ahwile? With massive power consumption of course, maybe 1 or 2 gw?

Darth Saber 23.03.2009 15:04

There may be, but I could not find it; massive power consumption is possible, but we at Aristar prode ourselves on creating products with maximum efficiency at minimal power output. I originally wanted to create a shield with a ring of blue plasma surrounding the ship; the "Eye" was the only way that I could even get close.

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