Dbg modpack x5 View Mod
Screenshot My first modpack: the Advanced Bolt Cannon +Ammo (2 variants), heavy & advanced Duralloy and Stealth armors, 5 all-new reactor variants (& 1 existing reactor re-positioned), 4 new ICX variants (turbolaser, particle, alien and Tev9), and 2 new capacitor-charge blast weapons. Enjoy!

P.S. the test mod had a new version of AutonsExtended. I will be uploading a finished, polished v2.0 separately Real Soon Now.
Categories Armor, Devices, Mod Packs,
Reactor, Weapon
Author DOSBox-gamer
Rating 1   0
Added (Last modified) 31.12.2008 (07.01.2009)
Game Version 0.99c
Filesize 8.48 KB
Downloads 2480
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digdug 01.01.2009 00:35

Hi DOSBox-gamer, this is a nice modpack with a couple of cool ideas (more items are always welcome, in my opinion).

When you finished with this mod please move it to "mod packs" category and give it a meaningful name and some description of what it does.

Also, when you reupload, please remove the screenshot inside the zip file.

If you need help debugging it please post a new thread on the OTF. Everybody is always welcome to the IRC channel too. :D

Iocrymdestroyer 03.01.2009 15:49

I got no bugs from it

DOSBox-gamer 07.01.2009 12:22

Re-uploaded, all can enjoy!

Branden 09.01.2009 00:06

Well, I am not to fond of player weapons, but I love the icx, reactors, and armors! :)

BrolyLSSJ5 26.09.2009 22:20

dosboxgamer, in both your bolt cannons, you haven't specified an UNID for the extension!

DOSBox-gamer 31.08.2011 23:44

See ASW mods updated 2011 for the latest version of some of these.

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