Commanders Log View Mod
Written in 1.8b4.
Requires 1.8b4 or higher.

A cut down version of Bobby's Captain's Log-Ship Log mod.

Displays system and station information, including station items, which can be checked in any system.
Includes an item search feature as well as a 'locate station' feature.

Handy for finding an item you have seen and can now afford. The Log will tell you where it is.

Thanks to Bobby for the Captain's Log mod. Awesome but now buggy.
Also to all the community members for code help.
And George for a great game.
Categories UI Enhancements, Misc, DockScreens
Author relanat
Rating 0   0
Added (Last modified) 22.01.2019 (05.07.2019)
Game Version 1.8a1
Filesize 180.09 KB
Downloads 1269
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relanat 05.07.2019 06:13

Version 1.01 uploaded at 165 downloads. Fixes a crash bug when the mod is used in 1.9a1. No changes to the mod. I recommend using V2 from the Multiverse for game versions 1.8 stable and above as it has more features.

wnmnkh 12.07.2020 12:42

Thanks for the update. In current 1.9, it seems stations now reveal all items they sell. But now pretty much all items shown in the log are all masked, making search function useless. Can you fix this?

relanat 25.07.2020 16:57

Thanks, wnmnkh. An updated development version is attached to the Commanders Log forum topic. Requires 1.9b1a.

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