Ship Pointing Mods View Mod
Three mods that point your ship due N S E or W to help with long range shots at enemy stations.
Rotating Ship Pointing With Dockscreen is recommended. It is the most advanced thanks to marsrocks code.
The others are to show new modders different methods of coding. Easy Ship Pointing With Dockscreen is the most basic. Auto Ship Pointing with Dockscreen slightly better.
A few more are planned that dont use dockscreens for easier use.
Categories DockScreens, Developers Vault, UI Enhancements
Author relanat
Rating 2   0
Added (Last modified) 12.04.2016 (30.05.2021)
Game Version 1.8
Filesize 13.36 KB
Downloads 1660
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relanat 30.05.2021 11:59

Reuploaded at 1144 downloads.

Added Ship Pointing 1.8 as a replacement for Rotating Ship Pointing which was not working due to game changes. Requires game version 1.8 or higher.

Will update all these mods once 1.9 is released.

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