Waypoints View Mod
Screenshot This mod allows the player to use a stargate to visit any previously known system. Just dock on any stargate, press [W] to select Waypoints, press arrow keys to select the system you want to jump to, and press [J] to gate out to your destination.
Categories UI Enhancements, Newbie Boosts
Author PM
Rating 7   0
Added (Last modified) 02.12.2013 (20.04.2017)
Game Version 1.7
Filesize 91.9 KB
Downloads 2072
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Avalon4 02.12.2013 21:31

Another great idea by PM...

However this looks a bit cheat-y to me... Making every gate into a sort of Elysium?

PM 02.12.2013 21:39

That is the idea, provided you visited the system you want to go to previously.

PM 03.12.2013 04:16

Reuploaded at 10 downloads. Jumping to Eridani places the ship at the stargate instead of the start point next to the Sisters. No restart necessary.

Llwch 08.12.2013 01:27

Freaking **LOVE** this MOD.

PM 13.12.2013 23:45

Reuploaded at 48 downloads. This fixes a bug that prints an error message if player docks with a stargate with no destination.

oldmanwynter 17.12.2013 23:02

This is pretty cool. I got it to work with Stargate Dock n Go [ http://xelerus.de/index.php?s=mod&id=782 ] by adding this line [attributes= "stargate"], if anyone is curious.

WillyTheSquid 14.03.2014 01:39

GREAT mod.

PM 05.01.2015 16:05

Updated to 1.5 at 272 downloads.

PM 05.02.2015 23:38

Reuploaded at 298 downloads.

PM 23.07.2015 23:19

Updated to 1.6 at 408 downloads.

PM 20.04.2017 19:35

Updated to 1.7 at 675 downloads. Now compatible with Vault of the Galaxy.

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