Hell's Trinity Beta View Mod
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*Beta Stage*
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Hell's Trinity is an exciting Adventure for Transcendence that takes the player on a quest to remove the Ares from the region of space known as the Trinity.
Categories Development, Adventure Extensions, Prior Mods of the Month
Author ThePrivateer
Rating 7   0
Added (Last modified) 03.11.2010 (28.03.2011)
Game Version 1.04
Filesize 518 KB
Downloads 2972
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Darth Saber 17.11.2010 21:15

ThePrivateer, are you going to expand this even more? It would be nice to have 40 or so systems, each with a unique station and story plot like the Lincoln Station. Then add in lots of different missions to increase variety!

ThePrivateer 18.11.2010 05:09

Darth Saber, at the moment, I'll focus on the three initial systems, but I have not ruled out expanding the universe to maybe a dozen or so systems. I'm a terrible scripter at the moment, but I'm doing my best.

Check the link above for more info.

Star Weaver 18.11.2010 19:35

You sure are putting a lot of energy into this, which is cool. I'm only playing the game in little one-two encounter chunks at the moment so I don't want to mess around with adventure extentions but I'll probably give it a look by 0.9 :D.

Eridanidefender 18.01.2011 17:10

I really like the RED background pls put in more systems(10-20)

ThePrivateer 18.03.2011 01:28

Thanks for over 400 downloads everyone! Hells Trinity .9|Beta is coming soon - just hold on you'll get to experience new weapons, missions, witness battles between the Ares and Ronin/As -- get to pilot a Ronin/A and more! Check the thread for more informaton! :D

ThePrivateer 28.03.2011 08:03

OK, Hell's Trinity Beta is here. Check out the latest pages in the thread for more info! :D

StealthX 13.04.2011 05:43

Yeah, it's really cool! And I would prefer that you make ships other than the Ronin accessible to this by default.

sandlike 18.08.2012 04:15

repica uhren http://www.replicauhren.co

FourFire 04.09.2012 18:00

I am having loads of fun with this!

Please update it so that it doesn't crash on every fifth station explosion in 1.08f.

Darth Saber 05.03.2013 21:12

This mod is great; when will the next installment be released?

RPC 06.03.2013 04:07

Privateer hasn't been on in a while, it may never be released :(

the derpenning 01.02.2017 07:23


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