Superconducting Capacitor shield View Mod
My first mod I have submitted to Xelerus.
Adds a shield that can be turned off and the field will remain. When the shield is charging, it is not in operation.
Have not tested on RC 1 because I cannot get G.O.D. mod to work, but I see no reason why it should not work. I haven't used it in a proper game, but I'm pretty sure its not overpowered.
I still need to register the UNID I have used, but no-one else is using it either.
Categories Shield
Author alex
Rating 0   0
Added (Last modified) 10.11.2009 (02.01.2010)
Game Version 0.99c
Filesize 2.05 KB
Downloads 1514
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digdug 11.11.2009 00:32

hi Alex, welcome to Transcendence modding :D

Please register to the forums and post in here to register your UNID.

digdug 11.11.2009 00:47

The shield is a brilliant idea, however I found 2 problems, when in charging mode, the ship is immune to all attacks in 1.0RC2, and when switching to charging mode, the shield loses all its charge (but not when switching from charging to normal mode).

Also, it would be nice to check if the shield is damaged (not switching and giving an error) or enhanced (keeping the enhancement, while right now it loses the enhancements).

In any case, keep up the good work :D

Atarlost 11.11.2009 01:09

I strongly reccomend the shield switching function found in . It handles enhancments which your code doesn't.

alterecco 11.11.2009 15:20

hi alex. For the time being you can find a working version of the G.O.D.mod here:

alex 11.11.2009 20:13

I have reuploaded another XML which appears to wok in RC1&2, but I have not yet fixed the enhancements. Hopefully I will be able to change that in the near future.

The fact the shield loses charge when you charge the capacitor was deliberate. I hoped it would prevent you being able to charge the capacitor whilst fighting.

Thanks for all the links and comments :)

Darth Saber 13.11.2009 16:50

Greetings Alex, and welcome to the Transcendence Community. Impressive mod, Alex!

digdug 26.11.2009 12:29

Alex, can you please register the UNID ? and it would be nice to change the name of the shield (we already have a superconducting shield in vanilla T). Something like "Superconducting Capacitor shield" would be awesome. THanks

digdug 11.12.2009 19:06

I changed the title myself, it's a different item, so it should have a different name.

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