Quantumnet conglomerate View Mod
Screenshot I remade my various stuffs and put them together.
There are also some new stuffs. Damage control armors (like the non-critical armor segment), "really" reflective shields, and self-flying cannons that generally called "bit" or "option".
Note: These self-flying cannons use an event handler to the player ship. If there is the other event handler, they behave like normal omnidirectional cannons. Also cannot work on the NPC ships.
Categories Weapon, Usable, Shield,
Devices, Auton, Armor
Author (^o^)
Rating 2   0
Added (Last modified) 24.05.2015 (10.06.2021)
Game Version 1.9b3
Filesize 713.32 KB
Downloads 2115
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Shane Filomena 25.05.2015 18:44

0xD92c is not listed in the Database

Please contact the Admins of the Wiki or Join the Forums and have this corrected.

Your work is very good

digdug 26.05.2015 23:01

he has been a modder since 2011

I just add him on the list

(^o^) 27.05.2015 12:11

Thanks for adding instead of me. That type of forums are unfamiliar to me.

Shane Filomena 29.05.2015 15:50

back :) and yes, "I knew that" - but you know people end up with different usernames from one site to the next , the work was "THAT GOOD" it made me look .. such a contributor to the Universe deserves credit and recognition :)

(^o^) 06.06.2015 19:33

Massive reupload at 48 download.

(^o^) 07.06.2015 10:44

Reupload at 58 downloads. Print the company name to items, and set the numberAppearing to missiles.

(^o^) 18.06.2015 18:31

Thank you for voting!

Reupload at 81 downloads. Adding wide range of items (quick boosters, radar autons, and so on). This cannot overwrite during the game playing.

(^o^) 19.06.2015 18:56

Reupload at 83 downloads. Delete some codes that may cause a glitch. Sorry to update in a short time.

(^o^) 30.06.2015 15:56

Updated to V1.6beta5 at 100 downloads. Reduce noisy sounds.

(^o^) 11.07.2015 17:24

Update to v1.6RC1 at 124 downloads.

Adding a bonus system near the sanctuary system. Most freighters from quantumnet use a transpace jumpdrive, that still depends on the stargates, so they must hold at least one stargate. Then I create a new system and put skyscrapers of quantumnet group near its stargate.

(^o^) 10.06.2021 16:17

Quick fixed.

Not fully compatible with the latest version, but still working.

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