Advanced Ship Yard View Mod
Screenshot Advanced Ship Yard is used to change player ships.
Presently changes only between the three starting ship.
The Ship yard got its own SHIELD for protection which is activated through the station.
The Ship yard can be created by the player using Shipyard create tool.

Graphic: devlnk6
Categories Ship (Player), Usable, Station,
Ship (Friendly), Shield, Misc,
Author creator
Rating 3   1
Added (Last modified) 02.02.2012 (02.02.2012)
Game Version 1.07a
Filesize 426.42 KB
Downloads 2534
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creator 02.02.2012 15:51

In later versions I'll override some station code so the Ship yard is available in all systems.

Will also be adding more ship class to change.

RPC 03.02.2012 04:30

Nice graphics! Maybe you could combine this mod with PM's playership drones to get more ships? (I just don't want you to do the same work that someone else has already done.)

sdw195 03.02.2012 20:31

why dont you add compatibility to pm's playerdrones, that way people can use his ship packs for you mod

Azar Wolf 05.02.2012 20:30

Please credit dvelnk6 for the graphics.

Shane Filomena 06.02.2012 01:09

I mistakenly hit the wrong vote: my mouse had issues: new mouse : and an apology :) thank you for this work.

christian 14.02.2012 18:32

You don't have to override any station to put on the main game adventure, just put "locationCriteria = +lifeZone,+planet, +icePlanet, +asteroid, +void" or whatever place you want to the Advanced shipyard shows up, you can check the codes from my PunkGeek Mod:

Or any other station on the game's DataBase...

Geojak 17.02.2012 21:26

great idea allways wanted something like this!

Could you change the mod so that your old ship is erased after you switch no another?

I also found a bug: I can switch ship even if i have not enough money, i don`t lose any credits

christian 27.02.2012 17:02

Code(this 'll PROBABLY work) for your station:

unique= "inSystem"

attributes="friendly,envAir,envEarth,envFire,envWater,populated,Commonwealth,independent, corporate"

levelFrequency= "*"


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