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Name randomTable
Syntax (randomTable chance1 exp1 chance2 exp2 ... chancen expn) -> exp
Argument List chance1: the chance for the proceeding expression to occur
exp1: the expression to occur if chance1 is chosen
chance2: the chance for the proceeding expression 2 to occur
exp2: the expression to occur if chance2 is chosen
chanceN: the chance for the proceeding expression N to occur
expN: the expression to occur if chanceN is chosen
Returns the chosen expression
Category random
Description A way to simulate the table functionality in transcendence xml. It is basically a shorter way of selecting a random expression.
Example The following will have a 10% chance of selecting "1-10", a 20% chance of selecting "11-30", a 30% chance of selecting "31-60" and a 40% chance of selecting "61-100"
(randomTable 10 "1-10" 20 "11-30" 30 "31-60" 40 "61-100")
Comment The sum of the chances must equal 100.